Sunday, April 14, 2013

Re-Branding Red Bull - Case Study # 3

In an attempt to expand my horizons I found yet another case study. This study appears to be done by a student that has chosen to re-brand Red Bull. His process was well thought out. He created a new logo, packaging, marketing strategies  and an interactive campaign that would help reestablish the brand as well as get consumers excited about the product.

Were all of these things good? Yes I believe they were. Was it executed properly? Sure... Were the designs reflective of the brand's past? No, not by a long shot.

I can understand wanting to re-brand Red Bull but I think that this student could have done a better job of keeping his design relevant to what Red Bull has already established. If he had done this, consumers would still be able to recognize the same product that they know and love. This could be done by sticking to the same primary color palette  Another thing to do is don't go too crazy with the logo. If you're re-branding, as I stated before, the product still needs to be somewhat recognizable  Don't get me wrong, his logo was clever, I just think that it wasn't the best choice from the ones that he did as roughs. He had a really stunning one where he had the word mark wrapped inside of bull horns which I thought would have been better than what he chose.

The next thing to tackle was the package design. He had chosen to re-design the can with arrows which I think was a good idea but he made them green. Again, I feel that he should have stuck with the red, blue, and yellow color palette. One thing that I have noticed about Red Bull is the fact that they are known for this color palette. It's what helps them stand out from the rest of the energy drinks on the market. If it's not broken don't fix it, make it better but use what you already know to enhance it.

As you can probably tell, I didn't really enjoy the decisions that were made within this case study. This is a prime example of something that probably wouldn't work if it were actually implemented in the real world. In my opinion, consumers aren't quick to change and if they can't recognize the product then they will move on to something else.

If you are interested in seeing this case study, you can access it here.

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