Sunday, April 28, 2013

Creating a Brand: Research and Ideas

After coming up with the logo for my product line, I am now able to move forward to thinking about what I want the overall appeal of my brand to be. Before I dive into creating package design, I need to sit down an think about what I want to include in my designs as well as develop an overall style. 

To do this, I start by creating an image board. This is done by searching the internet for images that relate to my project. After I have found things that I'd like to use, I put them all together in one place. The picture below is my image board for my product line known as "Sin". 

After creating an image board, I have a better idea of what I want the style of my product line to be. Since I have a better idea, I can move on to a style sheet which is about the same as an image board except this board showcases my ideas of what the style of the product should be. It can include typefaces, imagery that should be included, and color palettes. Below is my style sheet. 

Now that I have compiled both an image board and a style sheet, I can start designing.

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