Monday, April 15, 2013

Energy Drink Trends

As I stated in a previous post, I am switching gears and focusing on energy drink trends for the topic of my paper. The following are a few sites that may help build my paper.

This article was about marketing trends for energy drinks for the span of about 2006 to 2012. There were a lot of statistics pertaining to the non-alcoholic beverage industry as well as Ready To Drink (RTD) beverages. The article stated that the key energy drinks were Red Bull, Monster Energy, 5-Hour Energy, and Rockstar Energy. They also stated that the market is highly dependent of these brands.  Another thing that I discovered was that a majority of the target market for consumers are 18- 34 year old men. I kind of thought that the main target market would be comprised of men so this didn't surprise me. Overall, this article may be beneficial if I decide to include an analytical point in my paper.

This article discussed the thought that natural energy drinks are on the rise for 2013. These new energy drinks are all natural and don't contain nearly as many harmful ingredients that normal energy drinks do. In some cases, the drinks don't include any of the main ingredients found in normal energy drinks. The focus on blending both juices and natural sources of caffeine together in harmony that create drinks that people won't be afraid to consume. This article proves to be helpful because if natural energy drinks will indeed become all the rage then maybe I should frame my project around this one trend. My product could be all natural if I wanted it to be. I'll have to think about it.

This article was a prediction of things to come in the energy drink field. The article talked about the new natural energy drinks and how it may be appealing to women because it's safe.  Another thing that they discussed was the fact that the main energy drinks taste terrible and are too high in calories. When speaking about this, the article recommended that the companies need to develop energy drinks that both taste good and are low in calories. The next thing that the article discussed was that there may be a project in the works to develop a can that stays cold because the majority of consumers enjoy a cold beverage. Another thing that was discussed was the demographic for energy drink consumers. It was a bit different from the first article that I discussed. This article states that the primary market for energy drinks are teens, Hispanics and African Americans aged 18 to 34 and that Asians drink more energy drinks than any other race. It also stated that the African American community drinks the highest quantity of energy drinks. This was a little off to me, I didn't quite expect it. It makes me wonder why Hispanics, Asians, and African Americans are contained in the main demographic. This may need further investigation.

This was an article that discussed predicted trends and gave some feedback on how to adapt to them. This may prove beneficial when trying to develop my own energy drink line.

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