Saturday, April 13, 2013

Creating a Monster - Case Study # 1

I managed to find a pretty extensive case study focusing on the energy drink known as Monster. This case study covered everything from potential names, building the brand, and having a brand go from zero to the top of the energy drink market, (or at least to the second leading brand.) They had a strategy that they stuck with and it prevailed. It took them about seven years to reach their goal but they managed to create something that consumers recognize and know by name.

After reading this case study, I feel as though I should reconsider my general idea concerning my product line. As I was going through this case study I noticed that a lot of my ideas where similar to what Monster did. My overall design that was in my head also kind of resembles Monster as well. I guess I need to rethink a few things but I'm glad I took the time to look at this.

If you are interested, you can find the case study here.

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