Sunday, April 28, 2013

Creative Brief

Hey guys, sorry it's been so long since I posted anything. Don't fear though, I'm back. 

I have completed a creative brief for Sin and I figured I would share it. 

Client Company:

Sin Energy

Project Description:

A logo and packaging for Sin Energy.

Background on Client/ Brand Image (How this new image assist them):

A logo will help in marketing Sin Energy as well as helping them to develop their brand. Packaging will also help their brand image by making them stand out from their competition.  

Client Materials: Request logo, promotional material, advertising, collateral material, etc.

Logo and packaging.

 What is the service the client’s organization provides to the company?

The client makes energy drinks. The overall image that they want to project is wicked and dark. They have also themed their drinks around the seven deadly sins. The client feels that their selection of energy drinks are a safer alternative to what is currently on the market. They believe this because they make their drinks with all natural ingredients. Since the company is new, they haven’t released any of their drinks to the public yet but they have secured places to sell their product in a major chain of convenience stores.

Who is the primary target market?

Their primary target market are people within the 15-25 age range that drink energy drinks frequently.  (Mainly Males)

What is the nature of the problem(s) to be solved or need to be met/ company needs?

The company doesn’t have an official logo. Sin Energy needs both a logo and a package design to help build their brand.

How has the problem been solved or need been met in the past?

Since Sin Energy is a budding company, they are starting with a clean slate.  Therefore, the problem has yet to be solved.

Describe the competition. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your organization as compared to similar organizations?

The competition would be other energy drink companies such as:
·      Monster
·      Red Bull
·      Rockstar
·      Nos
·      Scheckter’s (organic)
·      Hype (organic)
·      Opta Energy (organic)

·      Unique
·      Dark
·      Quality Product
·      Different flavors for every taste bud.

·      No official logo
·      No official packaging
·      Brand new

       How are the organization’s services different from what the competition offers?

The client’s product offers a better alternative to normal energy drinks that is safer due to the use of all natural ingredients. Only natural sources of energy are used to create the product. They also offer many different varieties of their energy drinks that will suit every customer.

      What is the single most important message that you wish the reader to remember about this service or program?

People should be able to recognize Sin Energy by its package as soon as they see it. They should also be able to easily identify Sin Energy’s logo. Both of these things should bring out the best of the company and should help Sin Energy expand their business through branding.

     What is the key appeal of the message (emotional, narrative, endorsement, recognition, or lifestyle)?

The key appeal is mainly recognition. As stated before, people need to recognize Sin Energy as a brand. People need to understand who they are, what they offer and what they stand for.

      Why are people interested in the service or program offered?

·      Quality product
·      Unique to the market
·      Healthier alternative

       Are there additional key points to be included in the message? (Also intended mark design direction.)

·      Sin (Energy)
·      Dark Colors
·      Seven Deadly Sins (drink is based upon this)
·      Unique package

       Are there special things to keep in mind, such as legal requirements, technical, or graphic requirements (specific colors, size, quantity, logos to be included, etc.)?

Stick with a dark and wicked theme as well as dark colors. Package must stand out from the crowd.

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