Monday, April 29, 2013

Managing my time

This is an overview on how I am planning on managing my time for the remainder of my classes

Week 5

  • Work on final logo
  • Determine colors and flavors of drinks
  • Develop 3 roughs for packaging
  • Research potential packages
  • Write rough of paper
  • 1-3 case studies

Week 6

  • Write rough of paper
  • Pick official package
  • Produce 2 of the 7 sins packages
  • 1-3 case studies

Week 7

  • Produce 3 of the 7 sins packages
  • 1-3 case studies
  • Refine paper

Week 8

  • Produce the final 2 of the 7 sins packages
  • Refine Paper
  • 1-3 case studies

Week 9

  • Refine designs
  • Refine paper

Week 10

  • Print and assemble packages

Week 11

  • Celebrate 
  • Prepare to graduate next quarter

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