This case study that I stumbled across was done by One Fast Buffalo. They were given the task of re-branding a drink that was close to extinction. That drink is known as Red Jak. This is energy drink is made by the same people that created Big Red. The problem that the original brand had was that it didn't stand out in the market. There were many copycat drinks that didn't have any originality. To help the brand stay afloat and boost recognition One Fast Buffalo re-branded the drink by looking to other beverage types for inspiration. They found their inspiration in the beer industry. They wanted the brand for Red Jak to be a little more refined in it's overall persona. They kept this in mind and came up with a design that echoed the idea by incorporating simplistic, vintage elements that resembled beer packaging. This proved to be successful and the drink became something for the discerning energy drink consumer who appreciates style.
The campaign also included various marketing strategies comprised of changing the drink's color to red, social networking, and other promotional items. This allowed the brand to rebuild itself properly.
If you would like to see this case study you can access it here.
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