Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Final Product

So I just finished assembling the labels on the bottles and let me just say that I am very proud of myself. I think they turned out exactly how I imagined they would, you gotta love when that happens! Overall, both Senior Project and Graphic Design Capstone were a little hectic but I'm happy with everything I have accomplished. I feel that I learned a lot and that I actually grew as a designer as a result of taking these courses. Now it's time to prepare to graduate.

Below are some images of the final Sin Energy product line, enjoy!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Final Paper

I have finally finished my paper and I figured I would share it with you all so here it is, enjoy!

Click me to read the paper.

P.S. The images may look a little funky since the PDF is print format.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

5 Hour Energy - Case Study # 8

This case study surrounds the launch of 5 Hour Energy, since I usually give you guys a break down of what's in it, I figured it's time for you to take what you want from it and develop your own opinion. You can find the case study here.

Have fun